Ken Hada Joey Grijalva 6/8 Space Jam! First, I have been exploring the time signature 6/8. Second, I invited Joey Grijalva to come over for a jam. Further, this jam is over a bass progression I wrote on Logic X Pro. Additionally, Joey and I have been playing music together for decades and were in a band called Shoot The Moon in the 1990s. Finally, with wrong notes, and turned-around beats we give you this jazz odyssey known as 6/8 Space Jam part 3 of 6!
Exposure Skate 2022 returns the most amazing skate contest I have ever seen. First, the level of skating has risen to a new level. For instance, in the past, an advanced trick would have been a once-in-a-contest-moment, and now it happens every run. Further for me, it was inspiring to see this new level of skating. Third, the crowd was screaming every time the skateboarders pushed the new levels of skating. And finally, it was amazing to see Exposure back again. Of course, we all missed this special-giant skateboarding event.
The enormity of this event is overwhelming. Given that, my only complaint about Exposure is that you feel like you can’t experience the whole thing. In fact, I feel that Exposure could be broken up into 3 events. That is to say, one event for each skateboard category.
I am so grateful that Exposure Skate 2022 returns! Because it reminds you that anything can be done and that hope prevails. Thank you to everyone who makes this “hope” happen.
Finally, here are some pictures I took at Exposure Skate 2022. In fact, I have taken pictures at every Exposure event.
Practice or Marketing which will lead to a profession in drumming? Devote 80% of your time to getting jobs. And 20% of your time to becoming a better drummer. Or Devote 80% of your time to practicing drums. And 20% of your time marketing your drumming?.
Drummers stick together. Just the other day I posted a video of me learning a John Bonham beat. That night legendary drummer Curt Bisquera text me an audio clip (that he made). And this clip helped me learn the beat.
In addition, drummer John Stamos and I have been playing drums (over the internet for a couple of months. First, he received a drum clip from a very famous drummer from the past. Second, we work on that and other drum things daily. Finally, the last time I played this amount of drums with Stamos on the daily was high school 40 years ago.
In conclusion, drummers stick together. I wonder if other types of musicians have the same disposition?
DrumKat, Roland Vintage Synth, and an acoustic drum set to work on song ideas. These clips are from the first 15-20 minute of me working with Electronic Drums. In addition this is the first time I have played electric in 30 years.
Ken Hada Drums Paradiddle Permutations. A series of video clips on paradiddle permutations and drumset. Many years ago I attended a David Garabaldi Master clinic. In fact, this was at Hanich music.
To start, my drum teacher Roy Burns told me about this clinic. And I remember a room full of drumsets. In fact, I think each drummer brought our own? David Garabaldi handed out a stapled book of patterns. I couldn’t believe the complexity of his studies.
That was forty years ago. Today I am reinvestigating this coordination premise. And I am really enjoying the results.
In conclusion, if you are trying this stuff here are a few tips. First, play the accent notes rimshot or fortissimo. And the grace notes as soft hits and soft bounces. In fact, Murray Spivack’s study really helped me enjoy this system the second time around. And lastly, try playing these permutations to bass and or percussion loop.
A song I wrote called December 27 2020 which was written on 2020 27 12. Available on all streaming platforms. Photography was taken around the same time. From the album Next World. In addition, this song was made with synthesizers, samplers, and drum machines.