Skateboard Ramp Transfer covid-19

Skateboard Ramp Transfer covid-19. First how does one make a skateboard picture when it is not safe to go to meet with your friends? Second, social isolation, covid-19, and skateparks got me thinking. Finally, is it safe to go skateboarding?

Skateboard Ramp Transfer
Downside up

Abstract photography exploration

Abstract photography exploration is a series of images I am creating. First, I don’t exactly know what abstract photography means. And sometimes I confuse abstract and surreal photography. But abstraction has always fascinated me.

"slippage" abstract photograph
abstract photograph
“pink dancer” abstract photograph

The gnarly fakie rock, that’s right gnarly

The gnarly fakie rock
The gnarly fakie rock

The gnarly fakie rock? I know you are thinking not a gnarly trick. Well on this DIY quarter it actually was gnarly. As a matter of fact, the fisheye lens makes transitions look mellow. But this quarter is gnarly. And if you could see the makes and bails would have seen some near ankle-breaking action. This brings me to another skate photographer challenge and that is to watch someone almost wreck themselves to get a trick.

So there you have it. Skateboarder Felicia Gibbs shows us fakie rocks can be gnarly.