Ken Hada Daily Drum

A daily drum exploration

Ken Hada Daily Drum
Ken Hada photo Adriana Damian

Ken Hada Daily Drum Journey is an exploration of drumming. In the first place, I am a drummer who played for most of my life. After, my dad died I quit drumming. Finally, 20 years later I am drumming again. And by the way, I am 59 years old and yes I am drumming again. Finally, if you used to play an instrument you might want to pick it up again and see if you get some enjoyment from playing.

Some drum things I am currently exploring

Lately, I have been playing around with 6/8. And I ask myself is 6/8 just 2/4 in disguise? In a word, I still don’t know for sure. But I like playing drums in 6/8.

Ken Hada practicing drums in 6/8

Although I am a drummer I have an interest in songwriting. And I will program some chords into Logic Pro and record live drums. In the example below I am exploring the Chillwave music genre.

Ken Hada composing music

And other times I will use midi to trigger synths or samplers. In the example below I am triggering a sampler with the signal from the kick drum.

Ken Hada triggering midi samples with midi from the kick drum

I also trigger sound modules or synths via an electronic drumpad. In the example below I am playing chords from a Drum Kat.

I also practice drum styles. In the example below I am working on John Bonham’s triplet style.

Ken Hada learning John Bonham fill

And I am not the type of drum channel that only shows drumming in a highly practiced state. I record and share my practice success and failures.

Ken Hada drum practice makes perfect

Ken Hada Daily Drum, I am lucky to have so many drumming friends

And I have a lot of drummers who support my drumming. Brooks Wackerman did a podcast with me. And Brooks gave me the drumset that I use in most of my drum videos. John Stamos and I have been playing drums together since 1980. and we still play drums together to this day. I met Greyson Nekrutman at John Stamos house and he has been a drumming inspiration ever since. Curt Bisquera and I met over skateboarding of all things. Curt has been a generous supporter of my drum journey for years. John Wackerman taught me so many things about drums for most of my life. John Terby played many live shows for my band (while I was singing). There is nobody better than John Terby.

My good friend Brooks Wackerman did a drum podcast with me
Ken Hada and John Stamos playing drums
Ken Hada and Greyson Nekrutman at Jojhn Stamos house 2022
Curt Bisquera sharing his drum recording knowledge with me

Ken Hada Daily Drum Journey has brought a huge thing. For one thing, it got me plsying and recording myself drumming. Which helps me see the parts of my drumming that needs improvement and further exploration. Second, it got me talking about drums.

Did you quit drums because you didn’t become famous?

In fact, John Stamos convinced me to create a video about what drumming has done for me. And my girlfriend and daughter made great efforts to help me produce this video. I hope to share that in the future.

Follow my drum journey here on Youtube. Finally, if you are disconnected from your journey I hope you find your way back.

Ken Hada Joey Grijalva

Ken Hada Joey Grijalva 6/8 Space Jam! First, I have been exploring the time signature 6/8. Second, I invited Joey Grijalva to come over for a jam. Further, this jam is over a bass progression I wrote on Logic X Pro. Additionally, Joey and I have been playing music together for decades and were in a band called Shoot The Moon in the 1990s. Finally, with wrong notes, and turned-around beats we give you this jazz odyssey known as 6/8 Space Jam part 3 of 6!

Ken Hada Joey Grijalva
Joey Grijalva

Exposure Skate 2022 Returns

Exposue 2022 Olympian Bryce Wettstein

Exposure Skate 2022 returns the most amazing skate contest I have ever seen. First, the level of skating has risen to a new level. For instance, in the past, an advanced trick would have been a once-in-a-contest-moment, and now it happens every run. Further for me, it was inspiring to see this new level of skating. Third, the crowd was screaming every time the skateboarders pushed the new levels of skating. And finally, it was amazing to see Exposure back again. Of course, we all missed this special-giant skateboarding event.

The enormity of this event is overwhelming. Given that, my only complaint about Exposure is that you feel like you can’t experience the whole thing. In fact, I feel that Exposure could be broken up into 3 events. That is to say, one event for each skateboard category.

I am so grateful that Exposure Skate 2022 returns! Because it reminds you that anything can be done and that hope prevails. Thank you to everyone who makes this “hope” happen.

Finally, here are some pictures I took at Exposure Skate 2022. In fact, I have taken pictures at every Exposure event.

Ken Hada Songwriting Sessions

Ken Hada Songwriting Sessions I am posting complete unedited takes of my recent songwriting sessions. In the hope that you will see a person writing music with drums, keyboards, and computers. As a result of this candid artistic process, you will be inspired to write your own music.

Further, these videos have all kinds of mistakes and artistic deer-in-the-headlight moments. But it’s ok with me, I’m not insecure about my drumming. And I believe in the artistic process.

To sum up, if it’s too hard to watch or if it inspires then go make what you make.

Ken Hada Daily Drums
Ken Hada Drums
Ken Hada Songwriting Sessions Chillwave Music