The Room, 1990 song recorded on a cassette Four-Track Portastudio. The Room by Shoot The Moon with Joey Grijalva, John Wackerman, and Robin Kurzbard.
Photography Songwriting Drumming Skateboarding
The Room, 1990 song recorded on a cassette Four-Track Portastudio. The Room by Shoot The Moon with Joey Grijalva, John Wackerman, and Robin Kurzbard.
Although Moon Dream was the last song on a CD I self Published with Joey Grijalva in 1993 it was really a demo.
To start the thunderstorm heard in the intro was recorded live onto the recoreded song. And at that moment I did not know what the song was about. I was searching for an asnwer to an asnwer to death.
For one thing it was supposed to be two singers (one with a high voice and myslf). Since I couldnt find any high voiced covalists to sing it I sung both parts. As well the lyrics were recorded moments after they were written. I was trying to come to terms with the loss of a loved one and the song writing basically gave me the answer I was looking for.
MOON DREAM ( K. Hada/J. Grijalva)
something in your eyes
leaving me alone
I feel life slipping
I pick you up and take you home
and be with me
you seem so far you seem so lost
i’m right here
I couldn’t feel you go
I didn’t feel you leaving
your leaving?
i’ll see you again in dreams
i’ll need you again in dreams
i’ll feel you again in dreams
i’ll lose us again in dreams
and when I look up
and when I looked down
that little look
it caught me inside
it held me so tight
you knew it
I wondered what you said
I wandered through time
i’m losing
on one rainy day I see what
you said
you said ill see you again on dreams
i’ll need you again in dreams I feel you again in dreams
i’ll fill you all up in dreams
Dee O Gee 1981-1992
song credits
Ken Hada-lead vocals electric keys bass synths & drums Joey Grijalva-guitars
Moon Dream copyright 1993 K. Hada J. GHrijalva
Film Soup Caruthers Skateboard Park this film was shot at Caruthers skatepark and then soaked for a month in the Caruthers drainage ditch water. It was dried for about 2 months and I developed it today. #alternativeprocessphotography #filmphotography
Dad I’m at Knotts and there is a shooter. After reading my son’s text my girlfriend and I drove to Knotts Berry Farm (only 5 minutes from my house). As we approach Crescent and Knott Ave. we see groups of mostly kids running from Knotts Berry Farm. Next we turn left on Knott Ave. and the sidewalks are filled with people running and swiftly walking away from Knotts. There is not a single police car in site. My girlfriend couldn’t find any information on the News so she instead relied on Twitter.
Durning our 5 minute drive we learn that my son and about 20 others are hiding in the Panda Express bathroom. Now we are driving (in traffic) northbound on Knott Ave. and my girlfriend asks me “should I try to go get Apollo?” And I said OK. She jumps out of the car and disappears into to crowd.
Now I’m driving around KNOTTS Berry Farm while communicating with my son and girlfriend via hands free messaging.
My girlfriend walks right into Knotts Berry Farm through what I’m guessing is an employee gate located on La Palma and Knott Ave. And she is trying to make her way to The Panda Express. My son tells her via text to contact an employee first. Apparently they are locked in the Panda Express. So my girlfriend approaches a group of Knotts employees. She later told me they all looked high school age. In fact at this she has not seen a single police, or park security. There was nobody from the park guiding guests. She tells them about my sons group. And told her security would have to unlock Panda Express.
Maybe 15 minutes later my sons group where told to exit via the hotel. When my girlfriend received this information she met the group in the Knotts hotel parking lot. I was driving on Crescent Ave. and picked all 7 people up and drove them to my house. Where my ex wife and her husband where waiting. My daughter and her step sister also met us at the house.
In my front yard everyone was talking about what happened. I overheard Apollo’s friend say that my son led the group while they were hiding from the shooter. I’m so proud of him.
Lastly from the moment my girlfriend (Adriana) left my car to the moment she returned with my son and his group. She did not see police, security or a employee over a high school age. There wasn’t even a person directing traffic out of the Knotts Berry Farm parking lot.
John Terby’s roses
Make A Thing Everyday, 2021-06-26
Weed Only cyanotype print series is a collection of weed prints. To start I have photographed every flower in my neighborhood. Further I am starting to even memorize what time of year they bloom. In an attempt to avoid boredom I am collecting and printing weeds. In fact I am using the actual weeds as a negative.
I learned how to make cyanotypes from Greg Rager and more recently Tony Maher