Mary Kissed The Ground

Mary Kissed The Ground, a musical memoir of my days in the Kennedy High School Marching Band. Transporting me back to the energy of the 1980s. I recall the creativity that fueled the genesis of this series of songs. Next, with both intuition and attention to detail, I crafted the arrangement and chords. Lastly, I will lay the foundation for what will evolve into my musical journey.

I recorded the basic tracks in the 1990’s. And capture the essence of my musical vision in its rawest form. I left out the words to save myself from facing them.

essentially 2 songs

“Mary Kissed the Ground” emerges as a multifaceted narrative, encapsulating two distinct chapters of my journey. The first part, a lyrical flight from Scotland to Ireland, embodies the boredom of intercontinental flight. The melody soars across vast expanses of sky, it carries the echoes of the band, color guard, and drill team. And that we were all moving farther away from our hometown.

In the second part, the focus shifts to the poignant moment of landing at Shannon Airport. Where a Drill Team officer kissing the ground serves as a poignant reminder of the transition. The transition from a world governed by rules to one defined by us. It wasn’t just time away from our home lives. It was time away from the world that formed us.

I originally this work “The Epic,” and later titled it “March.” Rooted in the shared experiences of the Kennedy High School Marching Band. These songs serve as a musical testament to the camaraderie and the spirit of adventure that unite us all.

“Mary Kissed The Ground” is but one chapter in this unfolding saga. Alongside other finished songs such as “Band Bus Ride,” “Parade,” and “5th Move.” Together, they form a symphony of memories. A melodic journey through the triumphs and tribulations of youth. Finally, a timeless testament to the enduring power of music to transcend time and space.

Mary Kissed The Ground
Mary Kissed The Ground
March is a collection of songs written and recorded by Ken Hada

A Song About Marching Band and John Stamos

A Song About Marching Band and John Stamos. In 1980 I went to Ireland with my High School Marching Band. And this was one of those moments in your life that you never forget. Much later in life, I wrote a song about this experience titled Band Bus Ride. In addition to being in the band, I was the school’s newspaper photographer. Finally here are the photos and the song from Ireland 80. Lastly, my roommate in Ireland was actor and Beach Boys drummer John Stamos

A Song About Marching Band and John Stamos
A Song About Marching Band and John Stamos
1980, John F Kennedy Marching Band Ireland

The Album March

John F Kennedy Shamrock Regiment Marching Band

I used to complain to my sister Vicki “why do you have to stick that camera in my face all the time?”. Many years later I became interested in photography and time had began to catch up with my life. I then realized that my sister was right. So thank you Vicki Hada you were right, and thank God you shoved the camera in my face otherwise I would not have these memories. And now I shove my camera in peoples faces, I hope they will someday understand why I do this.

This footage was captured at a transitional time in John F. Kennedy’s Marching bands history. This was the first year the band marched in a more drum corp like drills and the band wore the beginnings of a drum and bugle corp style uniform. Previous during field shows and half time events the bands in our districts wore our parade uniforms and marched in a big rectangle.