All You Feel

All You Feel a song written by Joey Grijalva and Ken Hada

All you Feel was not in my mind before a few days ago. In the first place John Terby posted a clip of my old band playing this song at a live show. Then Blake Rehling responded with some kind words about the song. Later on Blake text me and asked for both additional info and a mp3 of All You Feel. And this request set me off on a quest for this song.

Analog To Digital transfer

I eventually found a digital multitrack of the original recording. Previously I had transferred the audio from its original cassette tape four track machine. Next I remixed the song in Logic Pro. And created both Blake’s MP3 and a AIFF. I then created a Lyric Video in Davinci Resolve. It was during this process that I realized the impact of the words from this song. And that thought led me to the subject of songwriting.


All you Feel is a song that I wrote with Joey Grijalva. When we played together in our band Shoot The Moon. And Im sure this song started with some chords from Joey. And some words and melody from me. Now that formula changed as our writing evolved. But right or wrong that’s how I remember this songs creation.

Songwriting is something I did because I thought it might one day pay off. And it was fun to do since I had zero training in the process. In fact most times I was just trying to finish songs so we could put out a tape or play a gig. Deadlines are such good things for artists.

The meaning of the song is in the opinion of the listener. Therefore I don’t like to define songs that I have written. So when I wrote the words for All You Feel, at that moment they came out of thin air. In other words I did not feel at the time that these words were important. Or that these lyrics pertained to me. Although I will say that I must have needed some of the advice this song gives. Or maybe it was advice for the future me?